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Quilters Guild
Gulf Shores, Alabama

Island Quilters Guild of Gulf Shores, Alabama
The Guild was founded in 1989 by a few friends getting together to learn how to quilt. Today, the Island Quilters Guild has developed programs, workshops and community projects that reach far beyond their original expectations.
The wonderful thing about the Quilt Guild is the friendships that have developed, as we enjoy learning to quilt in the various methods and techniques. Some of our members live in the area all year, some live here only for a few months a year. The friendships remain all year. We offer retreats and classes and more.
Come and join us!
Friends - To access our Members Only pages, you must be a member of our Island Quild Guild. Thanks!
Please, click here to view instructions on how to login and sign up!

Show & Tell, Classes, Workshops, Quilts of Valor, Community Service quilting AND MORE!

Good friends are like quilts, they never lose their warmth.
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